

On a sunny afternoon last March I invited 17 models to a house in Hout Bay, Cape Town, SA to join me for my so far biggest portfolio shoot ever. As much as it was a challenge, it was also an adventure, directing all these people into scenes and pictures I thought of before. We ended up having the best of times and in the end, everybody thought, Aad, our main character, really was our grandpa. Quite magical energy on set and the story I thought of truly turned into reality quickly. Thanks to everybody involved! <3


Father and son have invited friends and their children to play around the house and cook together, chill on the terrace, play pool and just enjoy a Sunday together.
Themes to be shot: Retirement, Family, Friends, Food, Love, Kids


Production: North South Productions
Art Direction & Styling: Me
Photo Assistant: Sophie Schwarzenberger
Hair & Make Up: Julia Heiermann


Thanks to ICE, Icons, DA & Full Circle

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